Woman tech leaders sitting around a table

The Way-Back Machine for Women

By: Sheridan Orr, CMO at Language I/O My first tech conference was in Silicon Valley in the late nineties when Blackberries were the height of personal tech, carrying your laptop counted as a workout, and open-source code was a terrifying prospect for enterprises. That was pre-dot.bomb and tech was a heady place despite how painfully […]
Traveler communicating through phone chat

The Role of AI in Travel Industry Communication

AI: Revolutionizing communication in the travel industry The travel industry thrives on connecting people across geographical and cultural boundaries, but one critical aspect of that connection remains a hurdle: communication. Effective communication conveys information, emotions and nuances accurately, but those important subtleties are often lost in translation.  The transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) and […]

Introducing Translation Optimization: Enhancing Multilingual Support Conversations With AI

By Andy Newlin, Director of Product Marketing In today’s global landscape, businesses interact with customers from diverse linguistic backgrounds more than ever before. This is one reason we see 88% of support teams offering multilingual support (Intercom). However, maintaining the quality of these interactions across all the languages your organization supports presents significant challenges. At […]

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Headquartered in Wyoming, creating translations for the world

Wyoming might not seem like a likely home for the leading translation technology provider. But that’s not only where Language I/O is headquartered; that’s also where we thrive. Heather Shoemaker, Language I/O’s CEO, speaking with the Wyoming Business Council about starting and growing a business in Cheyenne, Wyoming, puts it best: “The railroad is what […]

Not All AI Engines Are Created Equally

By Heather Shoemaker, founder and CEO of Language I/O People speak over 7,000 languages globally, and translating with precision from one to another requires context and attention to detail. AI-powered language translation has surged recently, but not all AI engines operate to the same standards.  While generic machine translation models fail to capture the nuances […]