How Elvie cut multilingual support costs by 50%

Business Goal

Solve the cost and workflow inefficiencies of multilingual support via fluent speakers prohibiting them from expanding into new regions.


Communicate with any customer regardless of the language spoken, within their existing Salesforce support platform.

Notable Outcome

Expanded language support to 10+ languages with 24/7 availability, all while achieving a 50% reduction in costs.

Integrate your way in less than a day

Language I/O seamlessly integrates with your CRM, whether it is Salesforce, Zendesk, ServiceNow or Oracle, so there is little impact on your agent’s current workflows. Don’t use any of these platforms? We also provide a Chrome Extension for anywhere you browse, and an API for anywhere you build.

The ease of our integrations means that you can be up and running in less than a day. That’s why we’ve been recognized on G2 as having the easiest setup.

Effortlessly generate high-quality, secure translations

Protect and secure customers and their data

We are recognized as the most secure language platform in the space.  We take that seriously. Not only do we encrypt personal and sensitive information during the conversation, but adhere strictly to a Zero Data Retention policy. 

Serve more markets, improve the experience, and reduce costs

With Language I/O you can support more languages while improving satisfaction and decreasing costs.  Let us show you how.

Easy to integrate where you work

Optimize customer support operations without impacting your agents’ workflows