Increase call center occupancy and margins with real-time translation software

Maximize call center KPIs: 
how we help BPOs grow

Increase margins and profitability

By removing language as a barrier, your agents can support a greater volume of support requests with heightened efficiency. This in turn enables BPOs to reduce the overhead required to support each account, which generates better margins and makes your overall operation more profitable.

  • Reduce average handle time
  • Increase first call resolution
  • Increase occupancy rate
  • Reduce cost per call/email

Heighten customer satisfaction

You’ve worked hard to earn the trust and business of your customers. The best way to keep them is to make their customers happy–and providing top-tier multilingual support helps accomplish that.

  • Increase customer retention rate
  • Increase NPS/CSAT scores
  • Increase revenue per customer

Boost agent happiness

With labor shortages rising as a global concern, you can’t afford to lose your valuable agents. Language I/O empowers your agents to support customers regardless of language without disrupting their existing workflows, thereby reducing frustrations associated with providing global support.

  • Reduce agent turnover
  • Increase first call resolution
  • Reduce after-call work time

Multilingual support features your customers will love

End consumers no longer just want brands to communicate with them in their native language, they expect it. By giving your customers the tools and resources to provide multilingual customer support, the brands you service will see a positive impact on their bottom-line–with you looking like the hero.

Multilingual self-service options

With high-quality translations for your knowledge base and FAQ articles, end consumers have the resources to solve their own problems quickly, thereby reducing the number of inquiries requiring agent attention.

Customize translations to each company and industry

Establish a glossary of terms that trip up other translation engines, such as slang, jargon, acronyms, and brand terminology. Dictate how those terms should be translated, and when they shouldn’t be translated at all.

Protect customer data and PII

Our software complies with all major regulations, including GDPR and CCPA. We encrypt customer data before sending it to translation engines, and never store it in our database or log files. Furthermore, we are ISO 27001 certified.

Chat, email, and author FAQ articles directly within your existing systems

Language I/O’s turnkey solutions for Salesforce, Zendesk, and Oracle enable your team to get up and running with accurate translations in 24 hours. And for anything else, we have an API so that you’re never without multilingual support.