Every company has terms or phrases that are unique to that company. As a provider of multilingual customer support software, Language I/O works with one company that uses the term “falling off a cliff” as an error message for one of its products. Now, because machine translation systems don’t know that “falling off a cliff” means error to this company, the translations provided are literal in that they explain that someone has actually fallen off a cliff. Kind of funny, but only if you’re not that company or its customers.

One of the coolest features within Language I/O products is the ability to use a glossary of terms specific to each client in more than 150 languages. This means that no matter the term, Language I/O can build and enforce a custom glossary that the machine translation engine will use as the preferred translation for a specific company.

Language I/O customers love this feature because it increases the efficacy and quality of machine translation. Although Language I/O software uses a combination of machine and human professional translations, machine translations are much more cost effective. The problem is that when glossaries can’t be customized or even used, machine translations create a poor user experience. Language I/O solves that problem.

Language I/O is a women-owned, multilingual customer service software development company that saves companies time and money on support costs while also increasing customer satisfaction. Language I/O works within all major customer service relationship (CRM) systems including Salesforce, Oracle and Zendesk.  To learn more about Language I/O, which was recently named the fastest growing company in Wyoming, click here.