Language I/O recently released Language I/O® Chat, completing its comprehensive multilingual, omnichannel suite of support software.  

“We now enable companies to provide customer support in any language over ANY channel,” said Kaarina Kvaavik, co-founder of Language I/O. “Our customers are already seeing tremendous cost reductions by using our existing products for self-help articles and ticket/email translation. Language I/O® Chat completes the omnichannel translation need and gives our customers an affordable solution so they can provide multilingual customer support whenever and however their customers need it.” 

Language I/O® Chat is a translation automation solution for both Oracle Service Cloud and Salesforce Service Cloud customer relationship management (CRM) systems. The chat translator, article translator and email translator enable English or monolingual support agents to provide chat support to customers in any language inside the CRM they currently work within.

The CRM integration plugs the agents into any number of machine translation engines that provide instantaneous translations for hundreds of languages. It can also learn company specific terminology so if you are in the online travel booking business, our engine will properly translate the phrase “flight leg” to mean “segment of travel” in whatever language the customer engages the agent. An untrained machine translation might translate “flight leg” to mean “human body appendage that takes flight.”

As most businesses know, chat and live messaging are top among 2017 customer service trends. A LiveChatInc study that looked at customer service data from 2015 to 2016, showed that live chat used by the companies surveyed jumped by a whopping 43.41 percent from 2015 to 2016.

Language I/O first introduced Language I/O® Chat to clients in November 2016

To see how Language I/O® Chat works within Oracle Service Cloud and Salesforce Service Cloud and Salesforce Service Cloud, click here.