In an effort to maintain the highest security standards for its clients, Language I/O is working on compliance with new US-EU data privacy regulations.

Language I/O will be compliant with the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) through the US-EU Privacy Shield prior to the May 25, 2018 enforcement date. This will rigorously protect all data that passes through Language I/O’s system, whether it be personal and confidential or not. 

In order to meet the GDPR standards, Language I/O is conducting gap analyses of its current systems to uncover any areas where security might be improved. Language I/O is also implementing the ISO 27001 standards for information security management to provide secure management of all data that Language I/O handles. 

“Security and data protection are a top priority for us,” said Co-Founder Heather Morgan Shoemaker. “With growing global concern regarding security breaches, we constantly strive to improve our own standards and comply with international entities that exist to protect businesses and individuals from any breach. Our clients have always been happy with the way we protect data and I imagine they’ll be additionally pleased with the latest steps we’ve taken toward data protection.”

Matt Cook, Language I/O protection officer, has earned the EU General Data Protection Regulation Practitioner certificate of competence from the International Board of IT Governance Qualifications (IBITGQ) for the GDPR. 

“Security is not just the responsibility of any single individual, but the responsibility of the entire group,” Cook said. “That’s why at Language I/O we continually educate our staff on current best security practices and we work hard to promote a security conscious environment.”