Let’s give them something to talk about…

Never a dull moment. We go from strategic planning sessions and roadmap discussions at HQ, to interviews by PBS and simultaneously planning for the next big conference – The Modern Customer Experience Conference by Oracle in Las Vegas March 31 – April 2, 2015. This year has certainly kicked-off on a high note.

We know many of you are looking forward to the release of our chat module, which is the next pillar for our product platform. So are we! It’s exciting to develop something this “disruptive” where we completely break down the language barrier to deliver an outstanding customer experience, no matter which language you speak.  Multilingual customer support is made easy and cost efficient by using Language I/O.

And PBS… Yeah, wow. That’s pretty awesome. PBS, for those of you not located in the US, is an American broadcast television program distributor with 354 member television stations, many of which are owned by educational institutions or by non-profit groups affiliated with a local school or university or by state-government owned or related entities. PBS Wyoming is airing a 27 minute segment about Language I/O at the end of this month.  Here is a picture from the filming of this:

After this, we head to Viva Las Vegas where we’re exhibiting at the Modern Customer Experience Conference (look for #OracleCX15 on Twitter) https://www.oracle.com/modern-customer-experience-conferences/index.html . Here we’ll listen to an amazing author – Daniel Pink, top notch industry leaders from Oracle and their customers and last but not least – a concert by OneRepublic.

We’ll be in the exhibition area dedicated to Service. Come visit us!

We’re creating a separate landing page specifically for this conference so that you’ll see what’s happening at #OracleCX15 and great things to do in Vegas if you get tired of conferencing. You’ll also be able to reach us there to see how Language I/O changes how your CS agents communicate with the world. We’ll let you know when it’s available.