Author: Rachel Riebeling

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Zendesk Cust Serv Evangelist on Productivity and Keeping Customer Service Agents Happy

    Dave Dyson was a software engineer for thirteen years – and then an actor for seven – before he joined the customer advocacy team at Zendesk more than seven years ago. When Dyson joined the Zendesk team, Zendesk had one product, was developing its customer advocacy teams and had a support team of roughly three…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Guest Post: Can Machine Translation Stand Alone?

    This post, written by Lee Jun-ho, was originally published in the Korea Times. As mentioned in a previous commentary, translation is beyond the transfer of superficial meaning, but many arguments still only focus on this and its accuracy.  A machine translation service provider reports that the rapid development of technology will make machine translation more accurate and…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Tongue Tied Translation: How Not Being Pregnant Can be Embarrassing

    Sometimes the Language I/O blog tries to explain why translation is so difficult. Late last year, we explained that when it’s time for a translation simplified Chinese is anything but simple. Today, we’re turning to Richard Hale, president of Tongue Tied, a UK-based translation company, to explain what role “false friends” play in translation challenges.   Anyone who knows another language…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Language I/O Co-CEO Nominated Chapter Manager of Women in Localization North East Chapter

    Language I/O Co-CEO Kaarina Kvaavik has been nominated the chapter manager of the Women in Localization North East Chapter, the second largest regional of chapter of Women in Localization in the country.   “I’ve been involved with Women in Localization in a less formal role for nearly a decade,” Kvaavik said. “I’ve always wanted to contribute in…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Destination CRM Announces Language I/O and Zendesk Integration

    Leading multilingual customer support publication, Destination CRM, recently published an article about Language I/O’s new Zendesk integration. The article, which was published in January 2019, follows the official launch of the Zendesk multilingual customer service integration with Language I/O in November 2018. Language I/O offers Guide translation for Zendesk as well as Support translation for Zendesk. Soon, Language I/O will…