With the release of multilingual chat tool, Language I/O Chat®, Salesforce customer service agents can now speak to their customers in real-time in over 150 languages. Language I/O Chat lets monolingual customer service agents become multilingual with the click of a button inside the Salesforce customer relationship management (CRM) system. This saves agents time and companies money—up to 40 percent on customer service costs!

“Being able to talk to our customers in any language 24/7 has been a game changer,” said Lisa Zobrist, Castlight Health’s former director of User Support. “Mobile customers want immediate answers to their queries–they don’t want to wait for us to hire a translator before they get help. Language I/O Chat is fast, accurate and easy to use.” 

Castlight Health is one of several multinational companies using Language I/O Chat for chat translation. 

“A 2015/2016 LiveChatInc survey shows that companies using live chat jumped by 43.41 percent from 2015 to 2016,” said Language I/O Co-Founder Kaarina Kvaavik. “With that increase only expected to rise, it’s critical that all global companies meet their customers where they prefer to communicate. Language I/O Chat does just that. It meets customers where they are in any language.”

To use Language I/O Chat for Salesforce, customer service agents accept a chat request as they normally would. In their Live Chat view, a Language I/O window appears on the right where incoming questions are automatically translated into the agent’s language. The agent’s response is automatically translated back into the customer’s language when the agent hits “translate and send.” The agent can always see the threads in both languages. The customer only sees threads in his or her own language.

Language I/O Chat also works within Oracle Service Cloud and, in the near future, Zendesk.

To get Language I/O Chat on the Salesforce App Exchange, click here. For more information about Language I/O Chat, please click here