Ah, user generated content, the bane of the customer service agents’ communication challenges. The other day, I wrote a chat to a Hubspot support professional that read something like this:

“acan youi sehlp me figure out how to get a gdpr laelb off of our mobile site?”

Struggling to understand that messy user generated content (UGC)? Let me translate. I essentially needed help getting one of two GDPR/cookie consents off of the mobile version of our website. Makes sense, right?

Too Busy For Accuracy

I started that conversation with the poor Hubspot representative while moving around 15 open tabs on my browser; writing a blog post; and scheduling interviews. During this flurry of activity, I spent one second wondering if I should clear up my text, but then thought, “Nah, this person speaks English, they’ll muddle through.”

This is the mentality of many consumers when they start a chat with your company, “ah, the agent speaks English, they can put the gibberish together enough to understand and provide a response.”

Sadly, if you’ve been looking for a multilingual customer support solution, you know that’s not the case.

Too Busy, Too Bad

Customers can communicate using hard-to-translate user generated content like I did with Hubspot. Businesses cannot. Unfortunately, as advanced as they are, machine translation tools on their own cannot translate user generated content. They can’t deal with misspellings, acronyms, or jargon. Our machine translation optimizer can translate user generated content so that your agents can understand what your customers need and then respond appropriately.

If you want to help your agents translate user generated content so that they can intelligently and accurately communicate with your customers, set up a time to chat.