Upcoming Conference Marks Outstanding 2017

As Language I/O once again gears up for another trip to Las Vegas, this one for the 2017 Call Center Week (CCW) Conference and Expo, it’s time to reflect on what’s already been an awesome year for the women-owned company. By helping clients provide outstanding multilingual customer support, Language I/O has added new staffnew clients and launched a new product. Not only has the first six months of 2017 been productive, all signs point to more growth during the second half of the year.

Help Language I/O celebrate a great 2017 by reading these top five blog posts!

Language I/O Launches Money Saving Chat Software

In April, Language I/O launched its new chat software, Language I/O® Chat, with a large audience at the Oracle Modern Customer Experience conference in Las Vegas. The new software completes Language I/O’s omnichannel multilingual support trifecta and was driven by demand from clients who were clamoring for quality real-time chat translation. The best part? Along with Language I/O’s other products, Language I/O® Chat CMS integration works within existing Salesforce and Oracle platforms.

Language I/O Relieves Stress for Global Tech Company

January 2017 concluded with a big thank you from Language I/O client Taulia, a financial supply company that partnered with Language I/O to answer incoming multilingual support questions from international clients.

Said Taulia of Language I/O’s help, “Language I/O has allowed us to expand worldwide without having to change customer support resources at all.”

To read more about Taulia’s experience working with Language I/O, click here.

Language I/O Expands Employee Base with Top Talent 

This spring, Language I/O was lucky to add outstanding talent Craig Beal, to its development team. Beal joined after an 11-year career with Sierra Trading Post.

Hiring Beal was just the beginning of an Language I/O growth spurt. Language I/O is once again expanding. For more information about existing job opportunities, contact us. To learn more about Beal, click here.

Language I/O Offers Startups Cost Cutting Challenge

Having run the startup marathon themselves, Language I/O’s founders know that cutting costs is imperative to staying afloat. However, they also agree with a Harvard Business Review (HBR) assessment showing that “acquiring a new customer is anywhere from five to 25 times more expensive than retaining an existing one,” which is why in March, Language I/O challenged startups to cut costs while satisfying multilingual customers.

The Language I/O multilingual customer support tools saves businesses on support costs while also pleasing customers from all over the world. To learn more about how you can save costs without sacrificing quality service, click here.

Language I/O Helps Customer Support Agents Improve CSAT Scores

Among other things, Language I/O helps customer support agents improve their CSAT scores and their performance. By allowing the agents to communicate with customers in their customer’s language in real time across multiple platforms, Language I/O increases customer satisfaction. This, in turn, boosts the agent’s performance and CSAT scores. To learn more about how this relationship works, click here