Language I/O has hired a new sales executive in an effort to accommodate the growth that’s projected for 2019.

“We knew that 2019 was going to be a big year for us,” said Language I/O Co-CEO Kaarina Kvaavik. “Not only are we adding products like Zendesk Chat, but we’re also adding additional CRM platform support and we need more staff to help grow both. We were very strategic in our hiring process and believe that we have chosen an outstanding sales representative who will continue to expand our business.”

In February 2019, multilingual customer service software provide Language I/O hired Sales Executive Chloe Muller. 

“While hiring people who fit our company culture is extremely important to us, we also wanted to expand our sales team before we found ourselves in the midst of conference season,” Kvaavik said. 

Language I/O was recently nominated a Customer Contact Week (CCW) “Disruptive Technology of the Year” finalist. Winners will be announced during the CCW’s June conference. The Language I/O team will also be attending TAUS, several Zendesk Relate events, Dreamforce and additional industry conferences. 

However, until those events begin, please welcome Chloe Muller to the Language I/O sales team.

Chloe Muller, sales executive

After receiving her undergraduate degree in public relations, Chloe Muller took some time off to raise her two children. 

“When I started thinking about going back to school for a master’s, I knew I needed a better foundation of general business knowledge that I was lacking from my undergraduate studies,” Muller said. “If you don’t understand how a business works, it’s really difficult to develop any sort of marketing or PR strategy for the business.” 

While in graduate school, Muller was offered a graduate assistantship with the University of Wyoming Athletics. For several years, Muller organized the fundraising element of University of Wyoming Athletics helping to bring roughly $3.2 million annually to the organization. 

After graduation, one of Muller’s instructors, who also happens to be a Language I/O Advisory Board member, suggested Muller check out Language I/O.

“I absolutely loved Language I/O, it’s mission and the potential it has to transform the translation and localization industry,” Muller said. 

Muller’s focus is growing Language I/O’s Zendesk customer base. Language I/O added Zendesk to its platforms—the others are Salesforce and Oracle—in November 2018. 

In her free time, Muller spends time with her two young children, who she loves to take camping, and her cat and dog.