Author: Rachel Riebeling

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    What Happens When Retail Packaging Translation is a Bust?

    When retail packaging translations go bust, the brand suffers. The missed translations may offend customers, push them to a new brand and eventually force them to leave you all together. Terrible retail packaging translations may also lead to bad press, humiliation and internal job loss (marketers, pay attention!). In this example, phrasing intended to speak…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Has COVID Changed the Way You’re Thinking About Call Volume?

    First, let’s not deny that COVID’s changed just about everything. Next, let’s look at what that means in terms of how customers are reaching out to customer service agents. In this COVID world, organizations have struggled mightily to serve customers over the phone. In large part, this had to do with businesses trying to figure…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Translating Gaming Jargon: Why Doesn’t It Work for Your Gamers?

    If you’re a gamer, you know that every game has its own language. Characters, weapons and accessories have different names and those playing with them use different jargon while playing. If you’re not a gamer, listening to these back and forths can feel like German 101 all over again, maybe worse. So imagine being the…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Questions to Ask a Potential Multilingual Customer Service Provider

    For us, the last few months have been a flurry of requests from new prospects about how they can provide multilingual customer support to meet growing customer service needs without breaking the bank. These conversations are happening with customer service teams in the numerous sectors that are seeing growth because of, or and in spite…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Can Language I/O Help With Your COVID-19 Communications?

    At Language I/O, we understand firsthand that the recent health crisis is forcing companies to rethink how business is done and how communications occur with employees, customers and partners worldwide. Language I/O is fortunate because its employees have been working remotely at varying levels since the company’s inception. Because of this, Language I/O have the…