Author: Rachel Riebeling

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Language I/O Expands East Coast Headquarters

    It’s been a busy summer for the Language I/O teams on both the east and the west coasts, but it’s been particularly crazy for the East Coasters who just moved into a new office in downtown Salem, Mass. “We’ve been wanting to expand our office space in Salem for a while now, but the recent growth…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Language I/O Enhances Zendesk Integration with Live Chat Translation

    Language I/O is further helping Zendesk, Inc. users improve customer service KPIs with Language I/O Chat for Zendesk. Language I/O Chat for Zendesk (NYSE: ZEN) allows English-speaking support agents to communicate with customers in more than 150 languages directly inside the Zendesk live chat window. Language I/O Chat for Zendesk plugs directly into an agent’s…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    How to Improve Customer Service KPIs Without Hiring Additional Agents

    There is a world in which customer service managers can forgo hiring additional support agents while also improving overall KPIs without relying on bots. That world is headquartered in Cheyenne, Wyoming. According to the results of a customer survey Language I/O released in December 2018, 72 percent of companies that use Language I/O software forgo hiring additional…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    New Sales Hire Positions Language I/O for Growth

    Language I/O has hired a new sales executive in an effort to accommodate the growth that’s projected for 2019. “We knew that 2019 was going to be a big year for us,” said Language I/O Co-CEO Kaarina Kvaavik. “Not only are we adding products like Zendesk Chat, but we’re also adding additional CRM platform support and…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Meet Our Professional Human Translators Series: Interview 2, Fatma

    The Language I/O Meet Our Translators series attempts to showcase the great minds behind our outstanding professional human translations. Professional human translation is a component of Language I/O’s business model that separates it from competitors who use crowdsourcing rather than professional translators, to provide human translations. Today we speak with Fatma, a Turkish translator who…