Author: Rachel Riebeling

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Language I/O Makes Magic for Wizards of the Coast

    In business, does anything feel better than customer satisfaction? The attaboys from our clients get us up and out of bed every morning and are the reason we keep adding benefits to our translation and localization product. They’re also the reason for the many virtual high fives we give each other throughout the week. It…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Why Translation Needs Machine and Human Touch

    Google Translate and other machine-based translation tools have done a lot to breakdown language barriers for travelers. When wild gestures and smiles fail to convey that you’re looking for a train schedule, these immediate translations are wonderful. That being said, when you’re running a business and communicating with people who need help with, who are…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Seven Tips for Translating Content

    Quality online translation for business is much more complicated than typing a few words into Google translate and copy and pasting those words onto marketing materials, which is why we end up with signs like this: Credit, Daily Mail  However, as businesses expand globally, they often have no choice but to translate content not just in…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    How Does Translation Software Save on Multilingual Customer Support Costs?

    Everyone likes to save money. Some businesses do it by choosing not to offer multilingual customer support. Some businesses hire teams of multilingual customer support agents for all the languages they want to support. Others pay for costly human translations. Others provide basic, machine-only translations. While machine translation can be helpful, if you’ve ever typed something into…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Translation and the Six Trends in Multilingual Customer Support

    Many people don’t understand what we do or how what we do impacts their industry. It’s understandable. Translation and localization are complicated. If they weren’t, we wouldn’t have a job. But translation is important across all industries including health care, technology, education, hospitality, travel, customer service, and entertainment. Supporting customers in their own language matters.…