Author: Rachel Riebeling

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    What to Look for in a Language Translation API

    Finding the right language translation API can make or break the success of you multilingual customer support operation. Here’s what to look for in an API to set your brand up for success.

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    Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Why Chatbots Fail—And How To Make Sure Yours Doesn’t

    Chatbots can play a highly beneficial role in the customer experience, but only when they’re done right. Here are four pitfalls to avoid when setting up a chatbot.

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Key Metrics to Measure Chatbot Success

    Chatbots are a great way to augment the customer experience, but how can brands know if their chatbot is performing well? Here are several key metrics to monitor for chatbot success.

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    How Chatbots Improve the Customer Experience

    For brands looking to provide better customer support, chatbots are an invaluable resource that come with a number of key benefits. Here are four ways that chatbots improve the customer experience.

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    High Quality Translations in Less Time: Product Updates for Zendesk and Oracle

    At Language I/O, we are consistently strengthening our suite of multilingual customer support products to provide an enhanced experience to our clients. Here are our latest updates for Zendesk and Oracle.