Author: Rachel Riebeling

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    How Does Neural Machine Translation Work?

    If you’ve ever taken a foreign language class long enough to learn how to form basic sentences, you know that translation is vastly more complicated than getting a dictionary, looking up each word in the source sentence, translating it and then ending up with a sentence in another language that makes sense. Because language is…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Translation, Multilingual Customer Support and International SEO [Expert Interview]

    Are you a digital marketing professional and tasked with helping expand your business to international markets? If so, I invite you to watch the 30-minute recording of the interview with Kaarina Kvaavik, chief business officer and co-founder of Language I/O. As an international SEO expert, I regularly host online educational events that help companies implement local,…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Why Is It Hard to Translate User Generated Content?

    Ah, user generated content, the bane of the customer service agents’ communication challenges. The other day, I wrote a chat to a Hubspot support professional that read something like this: “acan youi sehlp me figure out how to get a gdpr laelb off of our mobile site?” Struggling to understand that messy user generated content…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Local Ethics in a Global World: Where Does Language I/O Fit?

    “Business ethics is a form of applied ethics or professional ethics, that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that can arise in a business environment. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations.” —Wikipedia Language I/O is a software company that provides…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    How to Use Zendesk for Customer Service

    Using Zendesk for customer service could not be simpler. We know because we’ve been a Zendesk partner for many, many years and we are used to customers consistently telling us how easy Zendesk is to use.   Know Your Priorities As with any CRM search, know what you want from Zendesk before signing up. Are…