Author: Rachel Riebeling

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Vote for Our Innovative Technology at LocWorld!

    Wouldn’t it be nice to know which machine translation engine (MT) would work best for a particular job? Let’s go beyond that—what if the machine translation engines that you’re working with could answer that question for you?  On Thursday, Nov. 7 from 1 p.m. to 2:15 PST, Language I/O Co-CEO Heather Morgan Shoemaker will explain how Language I/O’s technology…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    PhotoBox: We’ve Never Found a Company that Offers what Language I/O Offers

    PhotoBox is Europe’s leading personalization brand helping more than 20 million customers in 15 markets capture, preserve and share their memories together. When you’re serving that many customers in that many markets, translation quickly becomes an in issue. In 2014, after participating in a Language I/O webinar, PhotoBox’s customer team decided to give Language I/O a…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Top Tips for Organizations Wanting to Provide Multilingual Customer Support

    Customer support managers, how many of you have had this experience? Your company is ready to launch a new language. For months the focus is on translating the user interface without giving a thought to customer support. Suddenly, it’s on you and your team to support your product in one, two, three, twelve brand-new languages.…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    Brave Praises Language I/O’s Non-Silicon Valley Approach to Customer Service

    Private secure browser, Brave, started looking for multilingual customer support providers that could not only providing outstanding support within Zendesk, but would also provide customer service that was a bit more personal than the Silicon Valley approach to customer service.  After six months of using Google Translate to help its customer service agents communicate with non-English…

  • Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

    FinTech Firm Praises Quality of Language I/O Customer Service and Translations

    In 2015, the customer service team at FinTech company, Taulia, was tasked with a challenge: Find a way to provide multilingual customer support to customers. Taulia had recently moved to the Salesforce Service Cloud customer service management (CRM) system and needed to make sure that when its French, German and Spanish speaking customers contacted Taulia for support, the…